Why Plumbers Hate Drano: What Homeowners Should Know

Plumbers hate Drano, which surprises several homeowners. Although Drano clears clogged drains quickly and efficiently, professional plumbers strongly oppose its use. Understanding the reason behind this hatred can save you time, money, and future inconveniences. Let’s explore in detail why plumbers actually hate Drano and what alternatives homeowners can consider for their plumbing needs.

Prominent Reasons Behind Plumbers Hate Drano

Chemical Composition of Drano

One reason for disliking Drano is its powerful chemicals, including sodium hydroxide and bleach. These two chemicals work as a cleaning agent to dissolve clogs. However, these chemicals are extremely harsh as they cause significant damage to the plumbing system. Its repeated use weakens the pipes, leading to leakage and, thus, costly repairs. Drano is especially bad for pipes that are made of older materials like cast iron and PVC. Sadly, the damage to the plumbing system doesn’t end here. Drano even damages septic systems. It is because its chemical composition disrupts the natural bacteria in the septic tank, making the breakdown of waste harder. In other words, even though Drano may provide quick plumbing, it can become a headache in the long run.

Poses Health Issues

The use of Drano is also dangerous for health because of its chemical composition. Some health risks of Drano are:

  • Harm to skin or eyes when they come into contact.
  • Severe burns due to accidental splashes.
  • If you inhale the fumes, it can irritate your respiratory system. Children and pets are more prone to this health concern.

Nevertheless, avoiding drano accidents is difficult even after careful handling. So, it is better to avoid it in the first place. Plus, Drano becomes more dangerous when it fails to clear the clog, as it leaves a residue. When mixed with other cleaning products, this residue creates toxic fumes, making it unhealthier.

Not effective for Certain Clogs

The main function of Drano is to dissolve hair and other debris like soap scum clogging the drains. So, it doesn’t work for all clogs. It is because not every clogging occurs due to such organic matter. Objects like toys, grease, and non-degradable items can also cause clogging, which cannot dissolve, making Drano useless. In fact, it can even worsen the situation. For instance, the chemical reaction hardens grease, which makes it more difficult to remove. In such severe cases, homeowners have to call for professional help anyway. Yet, by then, the situation becomes more complicated, leading to repairs. This inefficiency is another reason for plumbers disliking Drano.

Damage Plumbing Fixtures

Drano can also damage plumbing fixtures. It contains highly corrosive chemicals that dissolve at the corners of sinks, tubs, and toilets, leaving behind dirty stains. It further compromises the integrity of the fixtures, leading to water leaks and other severe plumbing issues. Additionally, replacing damaged fixtures is also expensive.

Negative Impact on the Environment

Besides affecting health and plumbing systems, Drano also harms the environment. Again, the culprit is the chemicals used in Drano that harm the environment. For instance, consider flushing Drano down the drain. It eventually reaches the water treatment facilities, which can’t remove all the chemicals. Thus, the chemical residues go into rivers and lakes, harming aquatic animals and disrupting ecosystems. Therefore, plumbers’ advice against using Drano and recommend using eco-friendly, safe and more effective plumbing strategies.

Why Plumbers Hate Drano

Better Plumbing Alternatives than Drano

Plumbers recommend several alternatives to Drano because of their safety and efficiency. Let’s look at the following alternatives suggested by the professional plumbers.

Employ a Plunger

The plunger is the most popular alternative for unclogging drains. It creates suction in the drain and removes the clogs without using any harmful chemicals.

Use Drain Snake

Plumbers recommend using a drain snake, also known as plumber’s snake. It goes deep into the drain and works best against stubborn clogs.

Regular Cleaning

Regular maintenance is mainly a preventive measure, not an alternative. Yet, it works like magic, saving you from severe consequences. Follow the following methods to clean your drains regularly:

  1. Baking soda and vinegar mixture works as a bleaching agent. This natural bleach clears the drains without causing any harm to the plumbing system.
  2. Another method is Enzyme-based drain cleaners. It employs natural bacteria to break down material clogging the drains.

Regular maintenance also serves as a long-term plumbing solution. It helps in preventing the formation of clogs as you clean the debris beforehand. You can also schedule regular maintenance with your plumber for a thorough drain inspection. Using a drain cover can also help here, as it prevents the hair and debris from clogging the drain. Moreover, investing in durable and qualitative plumbing fixtures is another way to avoid plumbing issues. Following these strategies can help you in avoiding the use of Drano as a whole.

Get Professional Help

Above all, getting a professional plumber is often the best option. It is because plumbers have the expertise and professional tools to treat the plumbing systems. They can quickly detect and address the main cause, preventing further damage. Also, licensed plumbers guide the customers about maintaining and managing the drains. You can get effective suggestions from them to avoid such situations. Although professional plumbers charge a specific amount, it can help you save on the repair or replacement amount.

Nevertheless, if you are looking for a professional plumber in Chicago, look no further. Lifetime Plumbing, is here to help you out. You can contact Lifetime Plumbing any time to get suggestions, advice, estimated costs, or avail of our emergency services. We love to assist you with our safe and qualitative plumbing services in Chicago.

Understand Plumbers’ Perspective to Make Better Choices

So, there are several reasons why plumbers hate Drano. Understanding these reasons can help you make safe choices for your plumbing system. Nonetheless, we should consider plumbers’ perspective because they have seen the damages caused by Drano almost on a daily basis. They are familiar with the severe problems caused by quick solutions. Therefore, they recommend using safer alternatives and prioritizing long-term solutions. One can protect his plumbing system, surrounding environment, and health by following professional advice.

Avoid falling for the quick solutions like Drano and opt for the alternatives. Or, contact Lifetime Plumbing for reliable and immediate plumbing services at your doorstep.